Mental Awareness Week

by roundabout

Mental Health Awareness week is taking place from 18th-24th May. This year’s theme is Kindness and is lead by the Mental Health Foundation. They explain why they have chosen this year’s theme:

“One thing that we have seen all over the world is that kindness is prevailing in uncertain times. We have learnt that amid the fear, there is also community, support and hope. The added benefit of helping others is that it is good for our own mental health and wellbeing. It can help reduce stress and improve emotional wellbeing.” 

They are asking the nation to talk about kindness and carry out or reflect on acts of kindness.

We are supporting Mental Health Awareness Week and throughout the week will share case studies of how dramatherapy has helped improve the mental health of the people we support.

The first case study is about a young person called Craig. Click here

The second case study is about a young person called Alexis. Click here

Roundabout’s dramatherapy sessions provide a safe place to explore difficulties and trauma.  Our dramatherapy sessions reduce anxiety, build trusting relationships, improve self-confidence, develop communication skills and social interaction, encourage self-advocacy, work with the imagination, explore feelings and develop creativity.