Signs of the Zodiac

Western and Chinese



Divisions of the year/s

Signs and symbols

Aspects of self

Potential benefits

Individual connections within group

Personal qualities

Belief systems

Resources needed

Images of signs

Information on each sign



  1. In turn, focus with each person to engage with their sign – day and month of birthday for Western signs, year for Chinese signs. Explore further with them in terms of: the sign and symbol and their connection or not with it; the characteristics of that sign and their connection or not with it
  2. The facilitator can model the above with their own sign, to help show the possibilities of exploration
  3. If internet access is available, other information can be discovered within the group (or can be researched and brought back at a later stage). For example, significant historical events that occurred on each person’s birthday, or famous people that share the same birthday
  4. Any information that is shared can be written on that person’s page in the group or individual book if they are in agreement


This can be added to at a later stage if anything more emerges over the following weeks.

Further sessions

The image of the sign could lead into creating artwork around each person’s symbol – collage, colouring, or sourcing of a variety of styles of that sign.

Exploration of each person’s sign of the zodiac might reveal further themes for continued work: beliefs; animals; pets.

The client’s response

Like the art images, the symbols of these signs may engage people in thinking metaphorically, so further introducing the indirect way that we sometimes work within dramatherapy.

This can be a fun, but also telling, activity, with people recognising the qualities within the signs that resonate with them, and dismissing those that do not.

Leo image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay; Dragon image by InspiredImages from Pixabay

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