Virtual Marathon Team 2023

Virtual Marathon 2023

by Rachel Livingstone

On 25th April #ScrambledLegs, Holly, Nancy, Nick, Tricia, Sarah, Xav and Mark all took part in the 3rd Virtual Marathon. We are delighted to say they all were successful in completing their marathons. Our congratulations to them all.

You can still donate to their Just Giving Page

And enjoy this video, celebrating the day.

For most of the day it was raining, but that didn’t wash the smiles from the magnificent #ScrambledLegs faces as they battled on, supported by friends, family and the Roundabout Team. The 7 chose to complete their marathons in different parts of the south east, including the London Loop, Surrey Hills and South Downs Way.

This year the marathon team set out to fundraise for dramatherapy support for older adults at The Heathers Care Home in Bromley. Sadly funding for our ongoing sessions had finished and we have been desperate to fundraise to re-start the sessions.

Here are some of the things residents have said about Roundabout’s dramatherapy sessions:
“It’s been a lovely experience and it’s something I’ve felt very peaceful about.  I enjoy spending time with you and look forward to the next time.  It’s nice to be listened to.” – Dramatherapy sessions are hugely appreciated by group members, for a variety of reasons.
“I’ve felt rather heavy this week but I feel better after that. Being with people who understand.” – Dramatherapy sessions create a safe space for participants to express feelings and have them acknowledged with the opportunity for creative exploration.  
“We look forward to these sessions. It’s quite unique. There’s nothing quite like this at all.  You never know what’s going to be discussed.” – Dramatherapy sessions are different to other activities, offering variety and alternative ways of interacting with other residents.

 “It is nice to know that there are people willing to run the marathon for such good causes – like the Roundabout Dramatherapy group – to carry on such good work they do with our residents” said Caroline, The Activities Co-ordinator at The Heathers. 

To donate and support dramatherapy sessions please visit their fundraising page. Thank you

Thank You’s

Thank you to Charlie and the team at London Print Service for designing, printing and donating the t-shirts for the marathon team.

Thank you to Morrisons in Sutton and their community champion Teresa Miller for generously providing goody bags to sustain #ScrambledLegs on their marathons.

Thank you to everyone who has generously who has sponsored #ScrambledLegs, we are very grateful for all your donations.