Anti-Bullying Week 2020 is taking place from Monday 16th November – Friday 20th November 2020. The theme is United Against Bullying. The Anti-Bullying Alliance the are official organisers of Anti-Bullying Week, you can find out more about their work here Bullying is harmful for both victims of bullying as well as young people demonstrating bullying […]
1998 Leaping forward to 1998 we now had our own office in Croydon! 14 years after we started, Roundabout was running 23 weekly projects, a 65% increase on the figure for 1997. We were working in 14 London Boroughs and our client groups now included people with mental health issues, older adults, people with drug […]
Thursday 24th September 2020 is National Day of Arts in Care Homes, a day to celebrate the wealth of activities that take place in care homes. This year’s theme is Creative Communities. We are proud to be one of Arts in Care Homes Event Partners this year and want to celebrate by sharing an example of […]
Roundabout Dramatherapy has been very fortunate to have received funding from Children in Need to run dramatherapy groups for siblings of young people on the autistic spectrum. We are now on our final year of funding and over the last three years we have been able to run groups for children both in primary school […]
Roundabout is proud to have been chosen as a Delivery Partner in the See, Hear, Respond Partnership being co-ordinated by Barnardo’s, with funding from the Department for Education. See, Hear, Respond is aimed at providing a wide-range of different support mechanisms for children and young people, and their families, who are suffering additional disadvantages due […]
On 26th April 2020, 27 team members (including trustees and one of our patrons) and their families took on 33 different challenges as part of the 2.6 Challenge. Our amazing team challenged themselves in the most creative of ways to raise funds to support our clients. Throughout the day we received news of each challenge, with […]
Mental Health Awareness week is taking place from 18th-24th May. This year’s theme is Kindness and is lead by the Mental Health Foundation. They explain why they have chosen this year’s theme: “One thing that we have seen all over the world is that kindness is prevailing in uncertain times. We have learnt that amid the […]
We are delighted to announce Reading University’s Drama Society’s’ have chosen to support Roundabout at their spring musical. “We wanted to support the improvement of mental health and believe the application of drama and creativity to achieve this is very important. With mental health being a big issue amongst students, we are able to see the […]
Storytelling in dramatherapy enables our clients of all ages to express, explore and communicate conscious and unconscious ideas within the safety of a story frame or structure. Within each story there are themes, such as friendships, team work, chaos, calm, the unlikely hero, differences, appreciating one another, keeping things hidden, difficult feelings, relationships, differences, coping […]
Dramatherapy sessions create a safe space to explore difficulties and trauma, and support children by helping them reduce anxiety and other mental health issues. Statistics show that one in ten children, an average of three in every classroom, has a diagnosable mental health problem, with 75% of mental health problems in adults having their roots […]