The 2.6 Challenge

by roundabout

On 26th April 2020, 27 team members (including trustees and one of our patrons) and their families took on 33 different challenges as part of the 2.6 Challenge. Our amazing team challenged themselves in the most creative of ways to raise funds to support our clients. Throughout the day we received news of each challenge, with photos or videos of every challenge. Some were ‘Yippee we have finished, with others ‘We are still going’ …. as with challenge 27, which took all day. The videos we received were each little gems with unexpected slow motion editing and some speeded up. Here is a mash up of the 33 challenges:

Our thanks to the following for their outstanding efforts:

  1. Ben cycled for 40 miles
  2. Axel did 2.6 headstands, each for 26 seconds 
  3. Lina held a plank for 2.6 mins, 
  4. Lola (office dog) has hidden 26 times, 
  5. Viggo scootered no handed for 26 secs,
  6. Becky found 26 different plants and flowers within 26 metres of her house in 26mins,
  7. Jo composed a 26-word poem from contributions from the team and her family, 
  8. Tricia performed 26 famous lines from 26 famous films (video of whole challenge available) 
  9. Xav cycled 26 times round part of the Olympic park 
  10. Lynn baked 26 cakes 
  11. Sam, Saul and Jonah completed 26 jumps on the trampoline
  12. Susan & Gareth, walked 2.6 nautical miles to deliver 26 favourite items costing £26 to a household of 2.6 including Will a Roundabout volunteer, 
  13. Matthew juggled for 26mins
  14. Jeannie completed 26 star jumps,  
  15. Catherine held 26 tree yoga poses
  16. Sara did 16 cartwheels
  17. Dan managed 26 kick ups, 
  18. Ellie saved 26 hockey goals 
  19. Toby completed 26 exercises
  20. Emma found 26 tadpoles in her allotment pond
  21. Laura made a multitude of rainbows 
  22. Amber did 26 roly-poly’s 
  23. Judy, David, Sara and Sophie completed A musical round, 26 repetitions on various instruments 
  24. Tim juggled with 26 drama related toys 
  25. Alicia, plus one very good four-year-old helper, completed a 2.6mile bike ride 
  26. Alicia did 26 star jumps, 
  27. Steph and her family (plus Jessie) played 26 games (yes 26 games), 
  28. Sonia with one body and one fabric created 26 characters (video of all 26 characters)
  29. Deb, Mark, Issy Keith, Pip and Meg (2 dogs) walked for 26 miles 
  30. Bahman (aged 90 years) cycled for 26km 
  31. Colin did 26.6 sit ups
  32. Alison played 26 games of backgammon 
  33. Herbert Bear (with just a little help from hazel) completed a whole alphabet of activities. 

Roundabout was selected to be championed by Just Giving as one of their Lockdown Legends, click here to view their Lockdown Legends page. Rob Walker conducted the interview on behalf of Just Giving, click here.

A fantastic £17,553.65 was raised. Thank you to everyone who donated !