Older Adults

See our information about our dramatherapy support services for older adults.

Roundabout therapists often use poetry in sessions with older adults; some familiar ones that many learnt at school, others to illustrate a theme such as the seasons. Below are a couple of favourite poems if you’d like to have a listen.

Singalong with Issy and Keith to some old favourites.
Roundabout use songs in our work with older adults – great for making connections through movement and memories as well as being enjoyable and uplifting. So grab some percussion, clap your hands, tap your feet, and join in!

Roundabout has developed an intergenerational project called Name in the Hat, linking young and old together through the sending and receiving of personalised cards.

Age UK has a helpful page on coronavirus.

The Alzheimer’s Society provides helpful advice on Dementia and coronavirus risk.

For advice for people affected by Alzheimer’s click here
You may also be interested in this report from the BBC here

For arts and creative resources for older adults in isolation see The Baring Foundation, click here

For other Arts resources for older adults see Age of Creativity, click here

Playlist for Life specialises in harnessing the power of music to connect people. In these uncertain times they are encouraging everyone to connect with their loved ones through personally-meaningful music. Building a personal playlist and discovering the memories associated with each song is a wonderful way to connect with family and friends. See their video here to find out more, and to learn how to create a playlist click here
Think of a someone isolation who you want to connect with and follow these steps:

  1. Is there a song that reminds you of them? Why does that song remind you of them?
  2. Text, message or email the person to organise a telephone or video call. Ask them to think of a song that reminds them of you.
  3. Have your call and play or sing the song to them. Feel free to have a little virtual dance together too! Share your memory with them. Do they remember it too? What tune did they choose? What is their memory?

For dementia, click here

Health Innovation Network has more general activities, click here

Government guidelines for working in care homes, click here

Please also take a look at the other sections, Therapeutic and Well-being resources here, and Stories here and Activities and Learning here, particularly online performances here.