Lucy, one of Roundabout’s dramatherapists has prepared a Coronavirus Parents Guide to Returning Back to Primary School. This includes advice on re-establishing relationships, introducing the class teacher, using a visual timetable, relaxation techniques, mindfulness and massages, coping with loss and bereavement, understanding and supporting anxiety and support from Roundabout. Click here to download the free pack.
An Advice sheet for Secondary School pupils, created by Brenna, one of Roundabout’s dramatherapists, to help support your child in managing their return to school, click here
The Changing Savanna is a story about how things are changing as lockdown starts to ease, from dramatherapists Talya Bruck and Patricia Ojehonmon, click here
The Returning, is a story about returning to school, from dramatherapist Talya Bruck, click here
ELSA shares a story for all children to help them feel positive about returning to school, click here
The use of negative language around the subject of COVID-19 can be a sources of anxiety for chidlrern and adults alike. This image from Family Action suggests some alternatives to some of the threatening and negative language we have become used to in the last few months. Click here
The Royal College of Occupational Therapists provides advice on preparing your child for returning to school. Including the advice to share with teachers and support staff your family’s lockdown experience This will help school staff to provide the support your child needs. Click here
Deputy Headteacher of Clapham Manor Primary School, Iona Mumby, writes for Family Action advising on preparing your children to return to school this September. Click here
For advice on preparing younger children for going back to school and how to talk to a child worried about going back to school see the NSPCC’s website, click here
The Mental Health Foundation provides a guide for pupils, schools, parents and caregivers, click here
For a guide for schools and colleges managing the transition back to school, from Anna Freud National Centre for Children and families, click here
Advice on preparing children and young people to return to school from Winston’s Wish, click here
A guide from the Children’s Commissioner for children explaining some of the changes they might see when they go back to school this September as well as providing tips on how to cope if they’re feeling worried or nervous and resources to stay safe. Click here