Hear stories submitted by our supporters for #ShareAStory within this section
You can enjoy the stories from our 2023 #ShareAStory Advent Calendar here and 2022 #ShareAStory Advent Calendar here.
About this section
In May 2020 we launched #ShareAStory, our story sharing project, so we could create a bank of stories for our clients, supporters and colleagues to enjoy. We are extremely grateful to all our story tellers and story writers who have donated stories to this project. We hope you enjoy exploring our story pages and listening to the stories.
If you would like to donate a story to Roundabout, the details are at the bottom of this page
Why we use stories in dramatherapy
- A client hearing a story, may find solutions to his/her issue by identifying with one of the characters or a situation
- Clients can project their individual predicaments and life experiences on to the story
- Through stories, our clients can access material not easily spoken about through language
- Stories provide distance from the challenge, this enables our clients to work with issues that are important, in a
- non-confrontational manner
- Stories can help our clients understand the dynamics of common, difficult life events and this helps to normalise their experiences.
- Stories can build a relationship or a bridge from the teller to the listener
Featured Stories
Here are a few of our most popular stories.
Donate a Story
Would you like to donate a children’s story to Roundabout the UK’s largest dramatherapy charity? If you would like to help, you may read or tell a story recorded on your PC, laptop or mobile device and send it to us. We can then share it on our social media and website with a link that enables viewers to make a donation, if they wish to.
References and further reading for those wishing to explore the impact of stories in therapy.
The Story So Far Play Therapy Narratives Edited by Ann Cattanach Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Storymaking in education and therapy. London, Gersie, A. and King, N., 1990.: Jessica Kingsley. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Storymaking-Education-Therapy-Alida-Gersie/dp/1853025208
An Investigation of the Therapeutic Potential of Stories in Dramatherapy with Young People with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Jeannie Lewis, Sube Banerjee https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1080/02630672.2013.772456