Roundabout Dramatherapy in Schools

Roundabout provides over 80 Dramatherapy sessions in schools per week.

With the recent Covid-19 pandemic our team have also been delivering innovative Dramatherapy sessions remotely for the children and young people, we would usually be seeing within schools. With the return to face to face, we continue to offer remote therapy for those children who are not able to be in school.

Our dramatherapists are qualified to post-graduate level, registered with HCPC and follow The British Association of Dramatherapists code of ethics and practice. They maintain professional standards of continuing professional development, and undertake yearly safeguarding training.

Our dramatherapists can offer support to students in your school who may be experiencing: 
Mental Health Challenges, Low Self-Esteem, Anxiety, Isolation, Challenges with Peers, Bereavement, Trauma, Behavioural Problems, Challenges with Self-Expression/Communication, Family Difficulties, Transition/Change, and more.

Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash

How Does Dramatherapy In Schools Work? 

Our management team and dramatherapists work with school staff to create a Dramatherapy Service that will best meet your school’s needs. 

  • Typically, our therapists will work in a school one day per week during term time, offering up to 5 dramatherapy sessions in a single school day. Half Days, Multiple Days, and Co-facilitating Therapists can also be offered. 
  • Our therapists offer both individual and group dramatherapy sessions.
  • A Covid-19 risk assessment of the dramatherapy provision will be discussed with the school prior to any agreement being made about the provision of dramatherapy.
  • Our therapists provide all materials necessary for sessions. This may include toys, art materials, fabrics, and musical instruments and more.  Individual or ‘bubble’ dramatherapy kit bags will be available in line with safe practice and Covid-19 restrictions. 
  • Our therapists aim to work with the adults involved in the students’ lives such as parents, carers and teachers to best meet a young person’s needs. This may include meetings prior and following a therapeutic intervention. 
  • Dramatherapy sessions are confidential. This means therapists will not disclose specific session content to staff/families.  Children and young people are welcome to share as much or as little about their sessions with others as they wish. The dramatherapist will however liaise each week with school staff to feed-back about the general developments in sessions and to hear how the student might be getting on at school.
  • Our therapists follow Roundabout’s and the school’s safeguarding policies and procedures to ensure they keep children and young people safe.  Risk assessments are also carried out at the beginning of the therapeutic intervention.  
  • We use outcome measuring tools to assess the impact of our therapeutic interventions.
  • We also offer support for the wider school community and arrangements can be made for training packages and the supervision of school staff.

Our Dramatherapists are able to support the whole school to establish a culture of wellbeing and good mental health.

For school fees click here

Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash

COVID-19 and its Impact

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic schools may be facing bereavement issues such as the death of a staff member or children impacted by the death of a family member. 

Our team is able to offer bereavement support outside of our regular sessional work. 

A few examples of this could be:

  • Facilitating sessions with parents/teachers/staff concerned about how to speak to their children about death
  • Supporting venues with memorials and goodbye rituals
  • Holding a session with staff who are processing the news of a bereavement in their school and signposting, where appropriate, for further support 
  • Supporting schools by signposting to helpful resources such as books and activities for classrooms
  • Holding workshops with class groups who are processing a bereavement.

For information to share with school senior leadership, please see here

Contact Us to Explore Establishing A Dramatherapy Service in your School

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