Matthew is an actor who was born and raised in Sussex and is now based in South London. Since graduating from the Guildhall School of Music & Drama in 2005 he has mainly been working in theatre, appearing three times in the West End, in Bent, Nicholas Nickleby, Warhorse and most recently as Winston Smith 1984. He has toured the country and parts of the world taking theatre to places as far as Toronto, Los Angeles, Boston and Washington.
“I have close friends and relatives working as dramatherapists so have been fortunate to know about the great work that dramatherapy, and in particular Roundabout, does. It is vital that their work, which is done with people with a huge range of emotional, developmental and health related issues, is made more well known. Often there’s a misconception that dramatherapy is a thing done by actors, putting on plays with people with learning difficulties, and is seen as something that is a luxury rather than a necessity. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Having seen the results of what can be achieved to help people, dramatherapy is something that everyone, especially children, could benefit from. Giving a child a safe place to go once a week where the space is there to explore their feelings, in whatever way feels right for them, is essential.
Becoming a patron for Roundabout I hope that I can help with the awareness of this charity’s work and can highlight the importance of the hard work and dedication of the staff at Roundabout, and the brilliant help they offer to those in need.”